Friday, July 10, 2009

Bye until 2010

We hope you have a good rest of the summer.

Here are some last pictures.

The guys saying goodbye at the closing celebration of learning. Lots of graduation fun!

Friends hugging one last time.

Signing each others shirts!

See you next year!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting ready to close out

Hi, we are here to say that camp has been very good this year and the campers have been trying very hard. The teachers and counselors say that everyone is doing a good job in being friends and learning new things. We are really liking the swimming at the end of the day. It has been really hot!!!

The final Celebration of Learning is tomorrow and we have some special guests coming from out of town and from the campus.

Dr. Karen said the MATs are going to help with the decorations in the gym. They have been working very hard to become teachers. I think they will like putting up the balloons and setting up our celebration projects. Here are some of them working. David took their picture.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Going to the campus immersion

Today all of the campers went by shuttle to the main campus for a tour and a chance to be in one of the college classes. They used clickers to answer questions about plants and biology. The answers came up on the screen. It was taught by Dr. Z who is a biologist and a vice provost.

We then talked to the admissions people Ms. Simona and Mr. Tim about the important things needed to get ready for high school and college.

Then we had a great lunch which was all you could eat in the cafeteria. Everyone had a lot of fun and then it started to rain and we took the shuttle back to the Clairmont campus for the afternoon classes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Campers are learning a lot

Every day there is something new to learn. Everyone is loving their classes and their specials.

The classes are not like regular school. They are way better.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Daily Challenge Winner

Hello Campers and Parents we are here to tell you how the campers' day went. Well it was pretty good for the most part. The daily challenge today was to pick a camper and learn about their culture. So the daily challenge winner is Luisa!

She chose Clive Young as his culture learning. She said Clive is from Jamaica and the colors of his flag are Gold, Black, and Yellow and described what each color was for and that he liked to eat Bun and Cheese. Now there were many people who did an excellent job with their challenge but we all liked this one for the winner. This is good because it teaches all of us about different cultures. Royce and Linnea are giving the $10 Barnes and Noble gift card at snack time.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

PE classes

Mr. Eric said that everyone is doing great in wearing the right clothes for PE. We are hot on the field but it's burning up our energy. The other shots are of Craig and Brenda talking in the afternoon and Mr. Todd lookin' cool in his shades.

Dr. Karen said she's proud of how we are all wearing our camp T shirts every day!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Love our teachers!

We really like how the teachers take time to get to know the campers. Here's Ms. Michelle taking to Paul.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hello Campers and Parents. Today we had an interesting day.

One today the Camper of the week were Willy Navarete from 6th grade, Dani Planer from 7th grade and Oscar Cortez from 8th grade. They won the Camper of the week because they showed terrific effort, dedication and reached out to others.

Today we decided to do a speed "FRIENDING" session. Now the speed friending is where everyone gets to learn more about others to know new people more and the person who finished first would get to have first pick of ice cream. It was a success I would say.

In specials today
Mr. Sam's class is playing African Drums. They will be doing a show for the final Celebration of Learning. Ms. Michelle's class is doing Yoga, they are making Jewelry in Ms. Jennifer's room, Mr. David's class cooking is making peach cobbler, and some of the girls are doing Step Dance outside.

Some speakers came again and taught the campers how to speak in Chinese. So by far it was a very interesting day.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today's Classroom

Hello Campers I am here to give another taste of the classrooms today. Today was a really exciting day. As I told you on the last blog Alfredo Sion WON THE DAILY CHALLENGE but besides that we had two speakers one was a man who spoke Chinese and the other was a woman by the name of Jeffri Epps who worked at Four Eyes. Ms. Epps talked about market research in the Media Mania class.

I was in the room in Mr. David's where they were speaking Chinese and learning to write the characters. I learned a few new words like hello, goodbye, sorry, thank you, and good morning. You know the basics, and I learned a saying that the Chinese use a person who teaches a student for one day becomes their father for their whole lives. I also learned about a singer who is very popular and a poet who is extremely famous and wrote many poems. Amazing what you can learn each and everyday.

Daily Challenge Winner by Amber Little

Hello Campers I am here to talk about our daily challenge today. The question was what are two question would you ask president Barack Obama?

Alfredo Sion won the daily challenge he said he would ask the President what he is going to do about immigration laws and ask for him to stop deporting people because they have good jobs here and have families here they can't leave their job and their families.

All of the counselors thought he put a lot of effort into his work because he wanted to win so much so he put more effort than he ever had into it and it surely paid of.

Lots of people are writing very good things for the daily challenge.

Every day has been hot. We love to swim!

Here's a picture outside the Carlos museum taken on the field trip.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A taste of an everyday classroom By Amber Little and Sam Moore

Hello Camper and Parents I am here to give you a taste of what's going on in the classrooms in Challenge & Champions. These two students Lily Li and Davis Cavanagh are in Ms. Jennifer's Media Mania Classroom and were chosen to have as the best advertisement in their classrooms. I interviewed them and got their perspective on their ads and why they designed it and their inspiration to create their ads. This what they had to say.

Lily Li's Project

This is Lily Li she had an advertisement for going natural with make up. The picture she picked was for a cosmetic ad. She cropped the words out from the original ad. She liked the picture of the woman because it looked more natural and more appealing than the other women who have globs of make up on. She wanted an environmentally friendly ad because she believes cosmetics today are hurting the environment and causing disease to other people. She thinks natural is the way to go with everything and it is better to be all natural.

Davis Cavanagh's Project

This is Davis Cavanagh. He had an advertisement for Kodak. His logic for the ad is really simple but creative. He saw a picture of a black and white picture of TI and he used him because he was holding something in his hand. Davis wanted to use that so he can use the camera which was also black and white. He wanted to use a black and white picture so he could make the background stand out and make it look better.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What a CIT means to me by Amber Little!!!!!

Hello Campers my name is Amber Little.

As you might have noticed on the title I am a brand new CIT and it is my first day being a CIT. I might not touch all the bases on how to be a CIT but I hope I touch some. We help the counselors and the teachers. CIT means Counselor In Training so we are getting prepared to be real counselors. Doing all of this means we have to be with the kids, bond with the kids, teach them how to apply their very best into every thing they do and the most important thing is to teach them something new that they can use everyday in life.

I know one of the counselors taught me a very important lesson when I was a camper that I will never forget it was " memories are to be shared with everyone and don't exclude yourself. You have to have a good time with others to make others a part of your memory". I will always cherish that lesson it made me open up to be the wonderful person I am today. The person who taught me that is actually still here. I don't think there is counselor in training here today who hasn't been taught a lesson while they were a camper that hasn't made them grow as a person. Well I am not going to go on you get the picture.


Love, your CIT,
Amber Little

Daily Challenge!!! By Philip Musey

Hey campers, this is CIT Philip. I just want to give you some advice on how to go about the daily challenge. The daily challenge is designed to help you take an active part in the camp. That means when you come in every morning, take the challenge slip and sit down and have a conversation with someone about the challenge. You'll be amazed at how much you learn about some one and what you've been missing out on all along!

By Sam Moore, Ryland Avery, and Amber Little with shots from David James

Greetings Campers and Parents! The first week was a huge success! The campers and staff had a great time. We all learned many new skills and information. This program is a learning experience for all who take part in it including the parents! We thank you for all your support, assistance, and help as we enter our second week at Challenge and Champions! This week was the Explorer week. Next week is the Challenger week. Here's a photo of David, Ryland and Sam. Amber wasn't around when we snapped this shot, she was helping a camper.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Campers of the Week!

We would all like to congratulate the Campers of the Week, and our Daily Challenge winners! The Campers of the week were Rachael Lewis, Davis Cavanagh, and Marcus Miller! The Daily Challenge winners were Tania Alvarez, Reid Rosbottom, Carlos Cruz, and Rudro Ghoshal. We would finally like to congratulate all the campers who have completed the Explorer Week of Challenge and Champions!

Here are some lunch photos from today!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Office

Hi. Please have your parents call the office or bring in a note if you are leaving early for a doctor or dentist trip or are staying late to swim longer. Ms. Jonetta will handle it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We are having fun-Wednesday Birthdays and Skit

Hi everyone, Camp is going well and it is fun again this year. Today is the newsletter day and it is going home with all campers. We had the first Wednesday Birthday party for people who have birthdays in June, July, August and September. Next week will be the next 4 months of the year and the last Wednesday will be the others.

Yesterday we had a play by some of the medical students about the need for sun protection. They wore funny costumes and it was done at snack time. We thank the dermatology clinic for the actors.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today we played tug of war before swimming.

This year the specials are offered every day. Some days we do team building but most days we do African Drumming, Jewelry Making, Yoga, Step and Cooking. You can sign up every day for what you want to try tomorrow. Everyone loves Mr. David's cooking class!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to C&C

Hi everyone,
We are your reporters for the camp this summer. We are Amber Little, Sam Moore and Philip Musey and Ryland Avery. Philip and Amber will be here next week. We are looking forward to having a great summer with the CnC staff and kids.

Here are our bloggers!

Hope you will enjoy the 2009 daily blog written by the CITs Sam Moore, Ryland Avery and Amber Little. The photos will be taken by David James. All of them will be doing a super job helping out in so many ways around the office getting things ready as they are working with the program, the teachers and the counselors. We are really glad to have them on our staff!