Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ending of Week 1-The Explorer Week

The week ended on a high note with the first Celebration of Learning. We got to hear from teachers about what was going on in each class and there was a shout out to a lot of individual campers on their accomplishments. We had lots of balloons, beach music and decorations, and some candy.
The winners for the camper of the week this week were Kassie Taylor, Jonathan Bollingslea, and Rebecca Holliman. They each earned a $15 gift card to Barnes and Noble.

See you on Monday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Impact on the Planet 6-25-10

Today in Impact on the Planet with Sam Spence, the students listened to recordings of crane workers who were on duty when the oil rig blowout in the Gulf of Mexico occurred.
Then the students collaborated and revised their plans from the previous day-they were working on how to fix the crack in the seal.
Later, Sam plays a video that showed which beaches and animal species are being affected by the oil spill.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

CIT Leadership Training and a great day for campers

Today is day 4 and lots of activities are keeping us busy. Today in Specials David showed how to make brownies, Jennnifer's jewelry class made bracelets and in Art campers were working on painting and pastels. Drumming begins next week. Dr. Karen got to see the dancers do a hip hop routine which she said was really good. We had a new special today that will run through the rest of C&C. Ms. Laura from the School of Public Health is working with the campers who sign up for nutrition. In that class they learned about fast food and what is in it.

After lunch the CITs (Counselors in Training) had some leadership training with Ms. Jamie who worked with them on good morale, team building and communication. The topics included personal relationships, problem solving and taking on responsibility.

Today's daily Challenge winner was Megha Desai. She had the best answer to the Challenge "Find out from the counselors what a college major is and why it is important." Congratulations Megha!

Today's Challenge is to write tomorrow morning about a place campers would like to visit and why.

                                Ms. Jamie teaching about central tendency in The Biggest Winner.

Yum, Getting lunch in the lunch buffet. You can see CITs, from the right to left, Paul Kowalczyk, Marcus Miller and Langston Daniels. In the back are PE teachers Todd Posey (on the left with the red hat) and Dave Evans.

Remember that the Celebration of Learning for week 1 (the Explorer Week) will be tomorrow from 3:00-4:00 as we celebrate all that was accomplished this week. Come if you can. We will be in the same room as Sunday's orientation (room 211) in the SAAC. Also, there is NO LATE PICK UP tomorrow. We close on Fridays at 4 PM.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 3 is here!

     Today we had our birthday celebration for the campers who have their birthdays in June, July, August, and September. In the morning Mr. David took his classes on a field trip to explore the Carlos Museum and the campers loved it!

     Tomorrow the Nutrition special is starting up which will show campers how to eat healthier and live a better lifestyle. Why should we not start eating healthy at a young age? It will serve you well for the rest of your life.

       Today our weekly  C&C Newsletter comes out and we have hope that you receive it by either e-mail or by the flyer that your camper will bring home. If you have not recieved the newsletter please let us know and we will be happy to forward the e-mail to you or to pass an extra copy to your camper.

      Finally we would like to congratulate Danni Fitzpatrick for winning the Daily Challenge. We asked campers to meet three new people and  learn something new about them, Danni went above and beyond when it came to meeting new people and that is the kind of attitude we like at C&C! Today's Daily Challenge is to ask  the counselors what their college major is and why having a college major is important.

Mr. David's class visting the Michael C. Carlos Museum

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2 and the SunSmart Team

Today we had a really good day. At snack the medical students from the dermatology department came by to do a skit on sun protection. We learned to slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, slop on some sunscreen and wrap on some sun glasses.

From left to right are: Vialla Hartfield-Mendez (Office of University Community Partnerships at Emory), Seema Kini, Lauren Henricksen (OUCP), Molly Spratt, and Gerardo Marrazzo (Dermatology Medical Students).

They then gave us these bracelets that they made with UV sensitive beads that turn colors in the sun. Wow, they are great.

Today we also started our learning strategies and study skills classes and had our first specials. People got to sign up for specials yesterday and they were art class, dance, jewelry making, African drumming, and cooking. We signed up at lunch today for tomorrow's specials.

Everyone is loving the pool and all the activities! Oh, and by the way, we were featured on the main home page of Emory University so if you want to check it out, you can see the rotating pictures at There are 2 at the top and one at the bottom left corner.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Meeting the MATs

Hi, well it's almost time for swimming and PE classes are going well.  Everyone signed up for specials at lunch today for tomorrow so we will be doing dance, art, cooking, jewelry making and drumming.

Today's daily Challenge was for campers to get to learn something about each of their teachers.

Here's a picture of Dr. Karen introducing the Master of Arts in Teaching students to the campers today.

Welcome Day 1

This morning we had a good start with the campers! Everyone has their shirt on and we are proud to be wearing them. We did team building before academic classes. We are bonding and becoming friends.